My True Happiness

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why do we seek perfection?

Can you tell that in my life as a hermit, I sit around and think up questions? OK, I don't sit around. I think in between cleaning up spilled milk and cheerios, or trying to remember how to divide, or while driving to some sort of practice. I have to talk to myself to stay sane. Wait -- isn't that what crazy people do? ANYWAY ...
My newest question - Why do we seek perfection? Please anyone with any sort of feeling on this subject, let me know how you feel. Do you think we would seek perfection so desperately if we didn't know what it felt like to be perfect? If you had never tasted chocolate cake, would you long for it, or crave it? Our bodies and ourselves now, as "natural men", can't even fathom perfection. I think that our souls remember what it was like to be perfect. I think we long for that feeling again. I think that is why it is so hard on us not to be perfect. If we don't know what it feels like, why are we so disappointed when we fall short? We should be content just being. Right????
Maybe the trick is to feel perfectly about being imperfect, knowing that one day perfection will come.
Ok, now everyone is going to think I have gone mad. Kyle just rolls his eyes whenever I try to talk to him about this :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

I don't know Jamie, but I'm glad someone else contemplates these things! I have always wondered why God commands us to be perfect when we can't. Why didn't He just hold off on that commandment until it was attainable? Here's one for you. Do ever get past the envy of seeing someone else who seems to be perfect in something you long for? Does that make sense? I'm happy with who I am, but when I see someone so much better, instead of being happy for them, I compare them to my weeknesses. Sorry this is turning into a whole post, not a short comment!

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